Everyone loves looking at photos and sharing them with their friends. We will find a cute picture of a puppy and send it to anyone and everyone. Most of the pictures we send we need permission from the artist or creator, but let's be honest no one actually gets permission. We do not do this intentionally, we just want to show our friend the cute dog! Here are some photos that I found that are "freegle" (free and legal), and where I found them so you can share pictures without asking permission from the creator.
wu yi
I want to travel all over the world someday. Hopefully, with the love of my life so we can have memories like this on. I found this last photo on stocksnap.io. It has a CC0 License, you can copy. modify, and distribute without permission from the creator.
This is one of my favorite places in the world, New York City. I got this picture from pixabay.com, which is like Google for freegle pictures. It has a CC0 Licenses, which means this picture is free for commercial use and you do not have to give attribution.
Anyone who knows me knows I love makeup, and the transformation it can bring. I also got this picture from pita bay. It also has a CC0 License, and is free for commercial use and no attribution is needed.
Coffee is one of my obsessions, I cannot make it through a morning without a cup of coffee. I found this picture from unsplash.com. This had a CC0 License. This picture is free to use, but they ask if you use any of these pictures to give the creator credit so the artist can be exposed. The website provides you with the link to copy and paste under the photo. It is not required, but highly encouraged.

I want to travel all over the world someday. Hopefully, with the love of my life so we can have memories like this on. I found this last photo on stocksnap.io. It has a CC0 License, you can copy. modify, and distribute without permission from the creator.
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