May the Force be With You-ish

    This video came about when a student named Raza filmed him self  reenacting Star Wars light saber scenes in 2002. He recorded these scenes using the schools filming studio and equipment. Little did he know, he accidentally recorded over one of the schools basketball games. When the film students were going through looking at the basketball game for highlights, they came across this video. These film students made copies and gave them out to everyone in school, as well as posting them on the internet. Raza and his family decided to create a court case against these kids for cyber bullying. In the end Raza ended up settling with the kids, who caused him so much pain, in court.

New Kinds of Thinking:
     This shows that people will use the internet for negative reasons. People think it is funny to post someone else,who does not know are being filmed, for a little laugh. This can cause people to think one of two ways. The first way is usually people thinking the video is hilarious and keep posting it all over the internet. The second way is people realizing that this person is hurting from what is being done to them. These people are the ones who usually try and defend the person that is being attacked online. Most of the time people do no think what they post online can be hurtful; they think only their friends can see it, when in reality everyone can. People tend to cyberbully because it is easy because they can hide behind a screen and not have to see what damage they are actually causing someone.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Saga Continues...

  3. Oh my gosh I remember hearing/seeing this from my parents! That is crazy how it went to court and everything that happened with it. I guess it goes to show that when using electronic equipment you need to be careful! I feel bad for the boy!

  4. Growing up as a child I never really was a Star wars fan so I know nothing about Star Wars other than the main song that comes on when you play the movie.

  5. Wow, I didn't know this became such a big case. I always thought that he was the one that posted it and I used to love this video! I guess everything isn't as it seems.


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