Best Blogs According to Me!

     When you hear the word blog you normally think of someone sitting behind their computer either post recipes, or showing off their latest fashion findings. That is not the case at all. When given the assignment to find the best blogs I was afraid that I was going to be looking at the same thing over and over. This was not the case at all. In this post I have found three different blogs that I liked, two may be expected but one will probably be a shock.

TMZ: I know what most people say and think when they hear this name mentioned. They think it is a bunch of trash....and that is why I love it! Lets be real here, we all know that most of the things published on this blog is fake but it is so entertaining you have to read it. Everyone wants to know the latest juice on celebrities, whether it is real or not. The design of the blog is quiet harsh. It uses red, white, and black as their main colors. When you scroll down there are many headlines, with pictures and stories to follow. I think the lay out is put together very nicely. They have different headers at the top, so you can go from the photo album to the latest "news" in sports. Over all I think this blog is very easy to use and navigate; the colors for me are a bit harsh, but it does catch the readers attention.

Blushing Black: This blog is written by a woman named Latisha. She is a wife and a mother to a daughter. She blogs about her life, fashion, and the things she has created. This is definitely a very pretty blog to look at. Her colors are soft pink, black, cream, and gray. Everything is simple, but beautiful. Along with sharing her creative ideas, she also has merchandise sold through her blog. This blog is definitely for those who love fashion and makeup. I know I want to sit here and read all of her post, and go through every single picture. The way she puts her thoughts into her post is incredible, she has a way of connecting things together to paint a picture. This is a blog that I am for sure going to have to keep an eye on.

Texting with Cancer: This blog sounds very sad and depressing, but it actually sheds light on the thoughts and emotions of a cancer patient. The blog is set up like a group message on an iPhone. There are three different messaging bubbles: pink, white, and gray. The pink message bubbles is Natalie (the author), the white bubbles are her optimistic thoughts, and the gray message bubbles are her pessimistic thoughts. I thought the way she set up her blog was very creative, I can see how people would be interesting in following it. It would be like waiting for a message to come in from one of your friends. It is very entertaining to follow and I can see how someone with cancer could relate to these thoughts. She even includes picture messages from each "character." This is the most creative way to express an inner monologue. The author keeps her page very simple. She only has the initial page with the messages, links with her social media, and an about link. I think if there was more to the blog it would not be as interesting as it is.
