Becoming Screen Literate

      This reading was from an article in The New York Times called "Becoming Screen Literate". It talks about how videos are everywhere from the internet to ATM machines. This is because there is software that make it simple for anyone who owns a computer or a smartphone to make a video. The shift from story telling to videos was not as quick as one may think. People used to rely on there family to tell them their peoples history, and they would believe them because they had nothing to prove them wrong. When writing came about people took what was written as truth, and had to research anything someone told them to make sure it was true. Now, with video we can search different links and make our own truth. We, as a society, would rather flip through the news stations to get our information instead of reading a newspaper.
     With the rise of film technology one does not need to be a film producer to make an outstanding film. People are becoming more fascinated with "Youtubers" than celebrities, because the "Youtubers" can take clips from major motion pictures and create mashups to give the audience a different emotion than what the director intended. This is one way that is making it easier to create film.
    Layering effects is another way that films are becoming easier to make for big name directors and everyday people. Unlike writing, where people have to use descriptive words to create a picture in your mind, filmmakers can layer sounds and effects over a the initial video to create that emotion. People are not just layering sounds but pictures as well. Websites like "Flickr" allow photographers to upload photos and filmmakers will use these photos to create a foreground, midground, and background.  There is also software, like Google Sketch Ups 3D, that allows a filmmaker to put a 3D model of architecture in their film versus filming on location.
   With film being the next "truth" the question is, how does one site a particular scene in a film? People are wanting a search engine where you can type in anything and it will pull up all the movie and film clips related to the items searched. People want to be able to cite a particular object in the movie versus the whole scene. The people want to be able to flip through a movie like they do a book.

-With the rapid rise of Youtube, do you think that in the future there will not be any movie theaters and we will watch all movies and films on the internet? Why or why not?
-With websites like Flickr and Google Sketch Ups 3D, do you think filmmakers will quit shooting on location forever? Why or why not?
- Why do you think people want to be able to site a particular item or scene in a film, versus the whole film itself?


  1. -I think that for the time being, movie theaters will stick around, for the purpose of the experience they give people. However, with YouTube becoming such a popular website for people to make little movies or shows on I could see YouTube maybe having a "membership fee" or something along those lines, that would be cheaper than going to the movies, but they would still make a profit.
    - I Think that filmmakers will always want to shoot at least a little on location, once again for the experience of the shoot and the little things that the location can give, such as weather and little things in the background. Although websites like Flickr can help filmmakers speed up the process if they do not want to do the whole shoot on location.
    - I think people want to site a particular scene in a film because every film has the viewers favorite lines or scenes and that is why people love the movie. At times, a viewer just wants to show someone quickly their favorite scene or line and by siting the certain scenes it benefits the viewers.

  2. 1. I think that youtube may become a site for movies to be streamed but I still believe that movies will still be in theaters.
    2. I think that flickr will soon go out of business because not a lot of people use it anymore.
    3.I think because its the part that the really like.


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